Traction Aid is a large part of winter maintenance in the Blue Sky Region. Our winters are made up of large temperature variations resulting in ice formation on both snow-packed surfaces as well as bare surfaces.
Salted-Sand (also known as Pickled Sand) is the most common Traction Aid in our area. Containing just enough salt to keep the sand from freezing, Salted Sand is easy to apply and inexpensive to acquire.
Mistersnow provides a ‘per application’ rate for salted sand for every location that we tender. A full season rate is available upon request.
Since salted sand has several undesirable side effects for those location that require a larger number of applications during the season, Mistersnow has moved to a product that better suits these locations and details are outlined below under "Anti-Icing" Bags of Ice melter (ProSlicer extreme) may be purchased for personal use by requesting it here. One of our service trucks will drop it at the specified location. An "Ice-Melter" charge will appear on your regular billing.